Monday, June 4, 2007

JAC is a multi-discipline artist community with a unique focus on spiritual, social and ethical concerns. It is a community in the true sense of the word. JAC is run by its members for its members in order to provide a truly creative environment supported by free and open dialogue.

JAC was founded by David Rastas in 2005 as a unique 'Parish-Artist-In-Residence' program on the invitation of Our Lady Help Of Christians parish. Since that initial program JAC has become an autonomous organisation with provisional rental of the former St Joseph’s College at 100 Barkly St, North Fitzroy.

The 'Parish-Artist-In-Residence' program aimed to re-open a dialogue between artists and the religious institution. JAC maintains the essence of that desire, whilst broadening its vision to include artists of all faiths and even of no faith. We have taken this open path in the belief that the activity of art is in itself a spiritual activity. The action of the artist, we believe, is far more telling than his or her abstract beliefs. Jstudios poet Nick Powell writes:

“Poetry (and art in general) is a spiritual undertaking insofar as it seeks to get to the heart of things and build a bridge between the personal and the universal. It is ‘contemplative looking’ and ‘prismatic expression’ as a way of experiencing and remembering the world, entering the interiors of the ultimately unknowable. Art and spirituality both demand a restless inquisitiveness, hence these explorations of paradox, duality and interconnectedness that pepper our lives.”

JAC is run by a working committee, comprising of a Communtiy Co-ordinator, Security and Waste Manager, Treasurer and Advisors. Various roles are maintained by other members. It is an expectation of membership to take on some voluntary role within the community.

Facilities for members include a communal library, community office, two kitchens, toilets, shower, artist chapel / project space, community gallery, and two teaching spaces. JAC publishes a monthly newsletter called THE FLAME which members (and non-members) are invited to make contributions to in the form of articles, coming events, poetry, prose and, of course visuals.